Elvis Coimbra Gomes
PhD in Linguistics
#OCDletmego - Mental Health Advocacy
After participating on the TV-Show Switzerland's Got Talent in 2015 with an original song about my experience with Obsesive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), I collected CHF 15'000 via crowdfunding to raise awareness about this disorder through a videoclip. During this time, my project #OCDletmego received some exposure in the media. Since then, I have been public about my experience with OCD in different languages (English, Swiss-German, French), and have privately helped people to access therapy for a variety of mental health issues.
Alonzo, N. (2015). Elvis, un Incroyable Talent suisse, chante pour le traitement des TOC. Rostigraben. [online]. Available: http://rostigraben.ch/elvis-un-incroyable-talent-suisse-chante-pour-le-traitement-des-toc/. Last accessed 29 October 2017.
Germanier, D. (2015). Il combat les TOC à l'aide de la musique. 24 Heures. [online]. Available: https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/labo24/combat-aide-musique/story/22311518. Last accessed 29 October 2017.
Konyo, J. (2021). "Meine Gedanken wollten mir meine Identität rauben." SRF. [online]. Available: https://www.srf.ch/radio-srf-virus/rehmann/rehmann-meine-gedanken-wollten-mir-meine-identitaet-rauben. Last accessed 11 May 2021.
La Télé. (2016). Portrait d'ici - Elvis Gomes. La Télé. [online]. Available: https://latele.ch/emissions/portrait-dici/portrait-d-ici-10-04-16?. Last accessed 16 February 2021.
Lundstrom, E. (2016). OCD Documentary - The Support Hour. Mixcloud. [online]. Available: https://www.mixcloud.com/ellen-lundstr%C3%B6m/ocd-documentary-the-support-hour/. Last accessed: 29 October 2017.
di Mateo, F.W. (2015). Entre breakdance et chanson, des Vaudois crèvent l’écran. 24 Heures.[online]. Available: https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/riviera-chablais/video-breakdance-chanson-vaudois-crevent-ecran/story/18731339. Last accessed 29 October 2017.
Ralph, S. (2016). Elvis Gomes - Switzerland's Got Talent and Sexual Orientation OCD. The OCD Stories. [online]. Available: http://theocdstories.com/podcast/elvis-gomes-switzerlands-got-talent-and-sexual-orientation-ocd. Last accessed 29 October 2017.
Ralph, S. (2018). Elvis Gomes - Understanding Experiences of OCD. The OCD Stories. [online]. Available: https://theocdstories.com/podcast/elvis-gomes-understanding-experiences-of-ocd. Last accessed 18 November 2018.
Rehmann, R. (2021). inClousiv Live – Zwanghaft (01:11:00). Youtube. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EttYWnzPykw. Last accessed 25 February 2021.
Südostschweiz. (2015). Im Kopf findet der richtige Krieg statt. Südostschweiz. [online]. Available: https://www.suedostschweiz.ch/leben/2015-04-01/im-kopf-findet-der-richtige-krieg-statt. Last accessed 15 July 2015.
Thelen, A.H. (2015). Der Krieg im Kopf. Südostschweizer Zeitung (1 April), p. 18.